What Does the Dripfeed Option Do?

The dripfeed option allows one to control the speed of their order. A delivery with controlled speed is more natural, so your fans will be more willing to accept it, and so will the social media companies.

A normal dripfeed order for 10,000 views, dripfeed over the course of 10 days (so 1,000 views every 24 hours) would look something like this:

Normal Dripfeed

On day 1, 1,000 would be delivered, on day 2, another 1,000, day 3 another 1,000...etc. This would repeat until 10,000 in total has been delivered. This is as far as other companies in the market will get you in terms of dripfeeding your order. There is a big issue with this means of dripfeeding: it is very synthetic. Not only do you risk losing credibility from your fanbase, you also risk losing a good rank for your target keywords. It's 2025—by now YouTube and the other social media companies can tell the difference between real engagement and artificial engagement. A static increase in social media hits is a huge red flag.

An advanced dripfeed order for around 20,000 views, dripfeed over the course of 10 days (a random number of views between 1,000 - 3,000 sent per day):

Advanced Dripfeed

On day 1, 1,000 might be delivered, on day 2 perhaps 2,343, on day 3 maybe 1,432, day 4 2,213...etc. The amount delivered would always be within the set min-max range. The end result is that the order moves at a less synthetic, more natural pace.

An advanced dripfeed order for around 100,000 views, dripfeed over the course of 10 days:

Advanced Dripfeed with Constants

When the dripfeed constant is enabled (but the linear and exponential values are left empty), our system will multiply the random dripfeed quantity generated, based on the increment the order is in. For example, in the 1st increment, the random value generated may be 1,204 (between the 1,000-3,000 min-max value set), so that gets multiplied by 1 and the first batch of views sent is 1,204. On the 2nd increment, the value generated may be 1,943, in which case it would get multiplied by 2, so views sent would be 3,886. On the 3rd increment, the next value generated may be 2,042, so total views sent would be 6,126. The end result is the rate at which delivery goes increases in a random but linear manner.

An advanced dripfeed order for around 100,000 views with linear constant set to 5,000 and exponential constant set to 1.35:

Dripfeed with Linear and Exponential Constants

When the exponential constant has a value set, and the linear constant also has a value set, the order behaves similarly to the previous example, but 5,000 views will be added at each increment.